Emotional Mastery is my signature container to turn pain into power


From being at the mercy of your triggers and emotions to mastering them


If you’re interested in entering this life changing container, sign up for the waitlist below and be the first to know when the doors open, and get first chance to enter. 

Emotional Mastery

👉 Small container with LOADS of personal attention 

👉 Increased self worth and love 

👉 Control over and compassion for your emotions and your responses

👉 New and healthy coping mechanisms to rewrite your story

👉  Increased depth of all your relationships AND pleasure


This is a 6 + 12 month intimate container, only five people per round get access.

This way I can make sure that you get the deep focus, coaching and guidance you deserve.

You get access to the accompanying Online container for 12 months

You get life time access to the private Facebook support group

And you get 6 months of by weekly coach calls with laser focus hot seat coaching

As a bonus you get access to my “How to read your Human Design chart” training.

When you opt for the VIP option of the program, you get personal WhatsApp support from me.

The price for the container is €2.222,- Paid in Full. € 822 for 3 months. Or € 422 for 6 months.

The VIP container is €2.888,- and is only Paid in Full.


The payment link to enter the contaienr is only accessible through the waitlist


Here you enter the waitlist for the exclusive Emotional Mastery container. Be the first to know when the doors open and get first chance to enter this life changing programme.